
User Information
Age: 19
Rank: Member
Join Date: 05 Nov 2020
About Me: I like cars. I like cars a lot, even though I can't drive yet. XD In Minecraft, I'm a survival player and a technical player (mostly Redstone). I'm RICH on the server (lol). I'm guud at witing (obviouswy). I live in the Bay Area in California, which is in PST (Pacific Standard Time) If you're confused, it's just GMT-7 duh. Always looking for new exploits in the shop to earn money with lmao. I have a YT channel: Infnite 0.
Interests: Cars, Minecraft, Soft EDM, Playing Volleyball (not watching volleyball), Basketball, Youtube.
Forum Statistics
Total Threads: 4
Total Replies: 4
Latest Post: Ranks Commands - 4 years ago
Latest Reply: Rockets - 4 years agoPersonal Messages
Total Messages Received: 2
Total Messages Sent: 0